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Worship Organizations

We have numerous ways for our members to get involved in our Worship services.

Looking to join another group, such as our Outreach Committee or St. Andrew's Guild?

Coffee and Book


Please sign up on the bulletin board just inside the Parish Hall if you are interested in organizing one of our "Coffee Hour" snacks directly after our Sunday 9:30 AM worship service. 


Lectors, Chalice Bearers, Acolytes and Crucifers are the people who assist and participate in the worship service.


The lectors are often self–selected or are invited to read the lessons usually at the service they regularly attend. There is no diocesan limit on the number of lectors nor do they have to be licensed, though there is a very short training session.


Crucifers and Acolytes come from the youth of the parish. Crucifers are young people who have the privilege of carrying the cross and often continue to acolyte. Acolytes may be any youngster in fourth grade or above. It is required that he or she attends a training session, usually held in the fall or as needed throughout the year. After the training session, he or she can begin to serve on the altar, usually paired with a more experienced acolyte.


The position of Chalice Bearer is slightly different from the other liturgical assistants in that they are licensed by the diocese and are invited to serve by the Rector.


Contact Rector George Roberts for more information,



St. James' choir offers music at the 10:15 a.m. service from September to June.  The choir is directed by Blake Hansen. Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. and at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday before the 10:15 a.m. service. 


There are few ways of wholeheartedly expressing the Love of God more than through singing. Everyone who has had the blessing of being taken by music or creating music knows that it elevates and inspires the soul, which is why it is such an important part of our service.


If you are interested in joining only for a few services, or for special services, such as Christmas Eve or Lessons and Carols, then we also welcome you.


Contact Blake Hansen (Music Director): (860) 677-1564 or


Ushers welcome the congregation into God's house; they are the first and primary contact between the worshippers and the church. They greet and count people as they enter, distribute the bulletins, collect and present the offerings, and respond to needs which arise during the service. They are especially charged to identify and welcome visitors.


Contact Rector George Roberts for more information,

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